A Comprehensive solution for your Business in RussiaStaffing
If you’re looking for a solution to develop or implement your Business in Russia, or if you just want to focus on your Core Business, and delegate all administrative questions, including staffing, Acteon has developed a large range of solutions.

Outsourcing – contractors – payrolling
Acteon has extensive outsourcing experience. Clients can focus on their core operations by outsourcing personnel and HR-related obligations to Acteon in the Russian Federation.
Acteon’s outsourcing services provide a full range of benefits to our clients:
Local specialist
Headcount control
Management issues
Local specialist
Headcount control
Management issues
Outsourcing through Acteon’s dedicated team of specialists saves our clients significant amounts of time on onerous labor legislation, HR policies, and their related administrative, legal, accounting payroll processes that distract from core business priorities.
Access to employment – expatriation & immigration process
Acteon provides dedicated teams and tools to process access to employment within the Russian Federation to foreign individuals or international teams. Acteon does also outstaff Russian nationals on sites and locations all over the globe.
We offer our clients a pool of employment quotas for various nationalities to respond to their needs to employ their specialists in Russia.
Acteon delivers invitations, work permits, work visas and registration on the territory of the Russian Federation.